Today we see the temptation of Christ in the desert. Let’s look this scenario. We see the devil using his form of reasoning to encourage Jesus into various actions in obedience to Him. He not only tempts but gives his reason why Jesus should do what he wants him to do.
Jesus responds in each case using the word of God.
There are some powerful lessons in this.
The most important and it is central to this is the devil is cunning and smart and if we do not root ourselves in the wisdom of God, he can talk circles around us. He can convince us that up is down and down is up, unless we are properly grounded in truth. This is why a world without God will not become liberated but imprisoned because human wisdom is no match for the wiles of the devil. The wisdom of Christ alone can defeat this.
Put it this way, all sin begins in the mind and then moves into action and it moves into action because it made sense at the time. It sounded like a good idea. When disaster strikes do we realize it was a bad idea.
Let us look more closely at the temptations: the three temptations begin with these words: If you are the son of God. It is exactly the same temptation Jesus experiences on the cross. If you are the son of God get yourself off that cross and us as well.
It is one of the many signs of the demonic presence trying to get Jesus to falter on the cross.
Now notice:
Turning rocks into bread: Nourishing the body without the soul. It is a powerful temptation and it is common in our time. That is the source of communism. The Church teaches that we do have to care for others, but we have two sets of responses the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It is just as valid a service to God to feed the poor physically as well as it is spiritually. Indeed, one of the curses in the Old Testament is that the people will have a famine of the bread of life which is the word of God.
The second is forcing the angels to catch him if he throws himself down off the parapet. That is to flaunt his divinity, it is to glorify himself. We have a mission to be humble. Once we fully acknowledge our humanness we can better comprehend the divine. God made us to be human, we have the temptation to seek what we are not which is to be gods. In fact, that is the first temptation: you will be like gods. We need to embrace the fullness of our humanity and in doing so, we will come to appreciate it and God’s action in our lives. We cannot do that if we are always trying to be what we are not.
The third temptation has a fascinating element to it. The devil proclaims that all worldly authority has been given over to him and Jesus does not deny it. Never forget that, especially in an election year. If we turn from God then we will end up walking down a path that will lead us away from God personally and as a nation. There is no middle ground.
One of the most fascinating things I learned in some of my reading comes from Chris Hedges in his book: When Atheism Becomes Religion: America’s New Fundamentalists, (2009;Free Press) where he points out that at least one of the world class atheists quoted often by the media believed in a nuclear pre-emptive first strike against the Muslim nations to prevent terrorism. Catholic doctrine rooted in the teaching of St. Augustine does not believe in a pre-emptive first strike of any type ever.
But if you reject the wisdom of God, your only response is to embrace the wisdom of the world and the devil himself teaches that this wisdom belongs to him.
When we are people of prayer and root ourselves in Christ then in God we have the wisdom to see through the wiles of the devil.
That is the lesson we see here. We do not have the strength nor ability to fight the wisdom of the devil on our own. We need to be rooted in Christ through our prayer to understand the greater wisdom—the divine wisdom. If we do not root ourselves in prayer first then everything the devil says will make sense.
We are watching it today. You literally see this play out on your news every night when people say things and others listen and say: “That makes sense!” When in fact it does not.
The people most vulnerable to the wiles of the devil are those who are wise in their own eyes. Our role is to present another wisdom, the wisdom of God so that people will learn the truth and be free of the crazy arguments of the devil that trap people every day.
This Lent is a good time to decide to deepen our faith and come to know Christ more and more as we live our faith. That way we grow in the wisdom of Christ and in doing so help others to see the deeper truth that they cannot see.
Do not assume that just because you are not ordained or do not have a theological education you cannot tap into that wisdom. Conversely do not assume that just because someone is ordained he has tapped into that wisdom. We discover that wisdom through prayer, humility, bible study and the quest for holiness.
Jesus demonstrates that we need to be rooted in the wisdom of God to fight the temptation of the devil. This year more than any other might be a time to deepen our understanding of that teaching especially during an election year because remember the devil said that all worldly political power has been given to him and Jesus never refutes him.
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This homily was delivered at St. Anthony Allston, MA
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