There is an important understanding when we are reading the Sermon on the Mount. If we do not embrace it, we will never comprehend what Jesus is saying.
It is easy to look at these words as a list of rules that one must now follow, however, if you do this you miss the point.
What Jesus is doing is defining for us who we are so that we can understand what we will become.
So, let us look at some of what He says here.
First Jesus says that unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and pharisees you will not enter the kingdom of God. What does that mean?
Remember, the scribes and the pharisees worked through the law. They understood the letter of the law, in fact that is what a scribe is, someone who understands the letter of the law. However, Jesus is calling us to understanding the same law deeper than the letter.
To understand the law deeper than the letter, you need to understand the meaning of the law and live by that meaning.
You can see this by the examples he gives.
The admonition against anger is greatly misunderstood. Many believe that anger is a sin in itself. That is not true. Anger is an emotion and all humans have experiences of anger. What Jesus is saying is do not let your anger consume you where take you upon yourself the authority that is not yours and bring your wrath against another as if you were a god. God alone has that authority, do not try to take it upon yourself or you will be destroyed by it. You may disagree with someone, you may even recognize someone cannot exist in your life peacefully, but you don’t have the authority to dehumanize or to destroy someone. We must see all people as God sees them, or we are not going to follow the law.
So the law focuses you on the jot or the tittle, but Jesus is calling us to see its truer meaning. This means the letter of the law still holds, but that is at best a minimum standard.
Let us look at this from another perspective.
Let us look at the law to attend Mass on Sunday.
The rule says that we must live up to the meaning of the third commandment and keep holy the Lord’s day.
So, we must go to Church every Sunday. Some misunderstand Jesus teaching and say we do not have to follow the rule, we do not have to go to Mass every Sunday. Well yes we do.
However, the reason to go to Mass is because we are children of God and we find our deepest meaning by being in communion with God so that we may live as his agents, his prophets and his children during the week. So, in order to truly live as his children, we must obey him so that we may receive fully in this life and in the life to come everything he chooses to bestow on us. That is a lot more than the rule that says we have to go to Church on Sunday.
This is what Jesus is teaching. Embrace the reason for the law not the letter of the law.
Now he says that not one aspect of the law will be eliminated so that law applies. However, he wants us to live the deepest level of the law. Let us change his words from the law of God to the law of physics but use the same words.
Jesus will not change one aspect one iota of the law of physics. Indeed, none of us really have any ability to disobey the law of physics. However, we can do anything we need to do within the law of physics but we cannot disobey the laws of physics.
Obeying the law, exploring it to its fullness as we understand it, we are working on sending people to Mars one day. Even if we accomplish this task, and even having
accomplished sending vehicles to Mars that send back live video of that planet from its surface, we never once disobeyed the law of physics.
This is what Jesus is telling us to do spiritually. Know the law of God and do not just focus on obeying the surface superficial aspect of it. Discover its meaning and live it to the fullness of its reality.
The law of God is based on two laws: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.
So what Jesus is telling you to do is to live those laws to the fullest of their existence and by doing that you will come to the fullness of humanity and see others as God sees them.
This is what he calls us to do. To embrace the deepest origin of the law and live by it.
This means to see even our worst enemy as a child of God whom God loves more than you and I can imagine. You have no right to take any wrath upon them because vengeance belongs to God for your enemy is God’s creation. You can correct them and even if need be ignore them, but you cannot seek to dehumanize them, for if you do then you are disobeying the law and you have put yourself outside the Kingdom of God.
Obeying the law, exploring it to its fullness as we understand it, we are working on sending people to Mars one day. Even if we accomplish this task, and even having accomplished sending vehicles to Mars that send back live video of that planet from its surface, we never once disobeyed the law of physics.
This is what Jesus is telling us to do spiritually. Know the law of God and do not just focus on obeying the surface superficial aspect of it. Discover its meaning and live it to the fullness of its reality.
The law of God is based on two laws: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.
So what Jesus is telling you to do is to live those laws to the fullest of their existence and by doing that you will come to the fullness of humanity and see others as God sees them.
This is what he calls us to do. To embrace the deepest origin of the law and live by it.
from St. Anthony Parish, Allston, MA
Also check out Writings from the Catholic Abbey to the Secular World
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